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Bristol Best Tution was founded in the Summer of 2013. The organisation was set up to help children receive extra 1:1, or small group, personalised tuition. During that time, we have widened our age range of children, and reached out further to the community. Some of the families who come to us, wish for their children to have more confidence in the English language, so we teach this along with the curriculum.
We accept children from 5 to 16, so whether your child is in Year 1 and just starting to experience Key Stage 1 school life, or about to embark on to their GCSEs, we have a place for them and can help and support them in their academic and social learning. We have several classes, with different ages and key stages in each, and few tutors per room. We limit groups of children to 6, and have between 1 and 3 groups per classroom setting.

We set children according to ability within their Key Stage, so that they are comfortable reading that particular term's book, or learning that week's numeracy core skill. We aim to make the children feel happy, secure and safe in the knowledge that they are enhancing their learning, to keep up with their peers, and be ready for phonics screening tests, KS1 and KS2 SATs, mocks and GCSEs as a part of the Government's National Standards.
We make learning fun and accessible for the children, so that they can really get their teeth into that fascinating book, or write from the view of a character, or learn how to find percentages of any number.
We are open and active during term time weeks, so closed at the same time as the Bristol city council holidays. We run a separate summer project during the summer months.



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